Thursday, October 15, 2009

Which House Do You Like The Most???

Please answer the question on the right of the screen >

House #1

House #2

House #3

House #4


Leesa said...

i say #2 or #4! #4 is probably my FAVE!!! are you buying one of these??? if so can i come live with you! :) they are beautiful!!!

Annika said...

These all look like awesome houses! Are you guys moving to Logan? I thought you were moving to Ogden but then I heard Logan? That would be awesome!

daisy deb said...

what do the insides look like!? have fun!!!

Dede said...

Great houses! Can't wait to find out which one you buy!

Tara said...

so so so dang excited for you! We must talk! I'll try to call you on Mon or Tues.